Its been a while since I've blog here due to the time and chances for me to loged on to the internet. Usually will not have any extra time at home plus, my Ex-Co really sucked at that internet service. Sometimes really wonder why they would ever apply for that. Back to main topic hehe.
Its been 6 days since i quit my job and enjoying holiday, awaiting for the new 1 to start on November, but seems like i will be strugling and suffering for this 2 months to get stable again especially on my financial prospect. It is very known that Eugene is someone that cant control and manage his financial problem. Today, went to my ex-co to get my pay, it was puny due to the leave I've applied and deduction from it. When i started calculating my financial expences for this month, i finally realise that I'm really BROKE for goodness sake!
Sigh.. now is time for me to start my suffering n struggle. No more extra outing, no more leisure, no more... no more whatever... gosh.. sometimes come to think of it, even working is suffering, if ur pocket is emty, its even more suffering than that. So i guess when we work and get money, and spend it, is better than sitting at home, without money. Cuz, Its time exchanged to money or money exchanged with time.
شراءأحذية بوت نسائية بطول الكاحل موضة شتاء 2019 بمقدمة مدببة أحذية باللون
الأسود والأحمر مصنوع يدويًا بكعب عالي 6 سنتيمتر بنمط حجر 🌬️(OFF)
Product Name: *أحذية بوت نسائية بطول الكاحل موضة شتاء 2019 بمقدمة مدببة
أحذية باللون الأسود والأحمر مصنوع يدويًا بكعب عالي 6 سنتيمتر أحذية نسائية
بنمط حجر*...
4 years ago
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