On Air

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

All About Pisces


==========  最本質的部分:思考  ==========



==========  與眾不同的部分:信仰   ==========




==========    雙魚的致命缺點:懦弱    ==========


造成雙魚座優柔寡斷的原因很簡單。因為同樣一個選擇,在一個射手看來,只需要考慮2樣東西,但是在雙魚看來,卻需要考慮10樣東西,因為他想的實在是太多了。簡單的說一句話,雙魚都會想到它會給周圍的人帶來多少種不同的影響,它會讓人對自己有怎麼樣的看法,會不會造成誤解。(雖然很多時候,雙魚會衝動的把一些話脫口而出) 至於多疑,這點和自卑聯繫的比較緊密。雖然雙魚座能輕易的瞭解對方的意圖,看透事情的真相,但是卻往往不能堅持住自己的觀點,這種不能堅持大多數是因為雙魚座自己不願接受這個事實,也有很多時候是因為雙魚對自己不夠自信。關於前一點,比較突出的一個例子是,雙魚座的女孩不到男孩子直截了當的告訴她,他不愛她了,女孩就總是還抱有一線希望,雖然女孩心裡明白的很。



==========     雙魚的最大優點:感情    ==========




對於一個女孩子來說,雙魚男孩....嗯..... 看你的運氣了,如果你遇到的魚是個沒有志氣,不想做事,玩玩樂樂的魚,而且他已經25歲左右了,那麼好心的提醒你,還是盡早離開他吧。除非你是個富婆,或者你只是找個情人(沒有人比雙魚更適合做情人了:安全快樂而無副作用)。否則,你會經歷世間最淒涼的婚姻和生活,阿門................


=============    提到感情不得不提的:公平  =============






==========    感情中的完美主義  ========== 





==========    雙魚真的浪漫嗎?  ==========

所有的星座解釋都會說雙魚是浪漫的,但是所有和雙魚(特別是雙魚男生,一般浪漫都是指男生做的事情)接觸過的人,都往往感覺不到雙魚的浪漫,到底是為什麼呢?難道雙魚並不浪漫?    我給你個肯定的答案,雙魚絕對浪漫,他腦子裡面的浪漫點子不僅包含了所有好萊塢大片的經典場景,還有更多他自己的原創鏡頭,他時不時的都在幻想浪漫的場面,一個魚可能在他18的時候就開始想他30歲結婚的佈置。

那麼為什麼現實中是兩樣呢?因為2點,自卑和善良。前一點很好理解,大部分的浪漫需要自信。很多時候,不是魚不想浪漫,而是不好意思和沒膽子那麼..那麼自信的魚呢?為什麼他也不浪漫?  因為他沒有遇到合適的人,因為他善良。




============    結語:什麼樣是好的雙魚?  ============



Friday, October 16, 2009

Our Dear Amy Chin!

Finally our dearest Amy is married! Seeing our cute Amy getting married in her beautiful wedding dress, feels so happy and proud of her! Congratulations Amy! We must hang out often even though you are married!! :)

Understand the Pisceans

The Zodiacal Sign of Pisces commences on February 20th, but for seven days, it does not come into its full power until about February 27th. From this date onwards it is in full strength until March 20th, and it is then for seven days gradually losing its strength on account of becoming overlapped by the "cusp" of the incoming sign Aries.

This gentle sign cannot hurt your directly, it is their weaknesses that can scramble your brains. The majority of Pisces people are kind and gullible.

The young Pisces are adventurous, ambitious, impulsive, enthusiastic and full of energy. The Pisces are pioneers both in thought and action, very open to new ideas and a lover of freedom. These people possess a curiously natural understanding, which they do not obtain from books or study. They easily acquire, or rather absorb, knowledge, especially of the history of countries, travel, research, and like subject.

Although by nature generous, yet they are usually over-anxious about money matters, and inclined to worry about what their future position in life may be. This state of mind is largely due to their dislike and dread of being dependent on others more than from any love of money.

They can easily be irritated by slowness or moderation in their companions and, though themselves sensitive, ride roughshod over the sensitivities of others. These qualities make them, however, much misunderstood, and they are often considered dose in money matters when in reality they are not.

People born in this period often go back on their promises, especially on questions of money. They promise to give, on the impulse of the moment, but if they have time for reflection then the tear of future poverty forces them, as rule, to break their promise or give perhaps, only one hah of what they had stipulated. From that point of view people born in this period should try to exercise an iron self-control, to discipline the qualities and tendencies of their character to the advantage, not the detriment, of the society in which they move.

These people are also more mentally ambitious than otherwise. They may know their subject well in their mind, but they will hesitate and undervalue their own individuality if they find they have to put it to a test in any public manner

They are inclined to brood and become melancholy, or to imagine all the world is against them and that they are being made martyrs of. Depression gets them. Because they see life as a mystical whole, they take it as a sign that they're bad people when things go wrong. No other zodiac sign plans the evening on the basis of a reading from a fortune cookie.

Many artists, musicians and literary people are born m this period, but they must receive great encouragement ever to make the best of themselves.

These people are very devoted to their friends or to any cause they take up, provided they feel they are trusted or looked up to. They are generally successful in ail positions of responsibility, bat at the same time they are not inclined to push themselves forward, and usually wait to be asked before giving their opinions.

The strongest and weakest characters are found in this sign. Some are inclined to gratify their innate sense of luxury and self-indulgence and, if this side of the nature is the one that controls, they are likely to be too easy-going, to be too receptive to their surroundings, to become influenced by false friends, to give way to fraudulent schemes and in some cases are inclined to become addicted to drugs or drink.

If, however, persons born in this part of the year find some purpose worth living for, they rise to the emergency as no others can. These are the people that one meets sometimes in Life who surprise their friends by their sudden change of character. Pisceans are shy. Other people think they are mysterious, or just confused, but a Pisces can sort out other people's troubles.

All people who were born in this sign are highly emotional. If they belong to the weak side of it, they are easily influenced by the people with whom they are thrown into contact, but if they belong to the stronger side, their emotional nature can lift them up to any height.

In business matters they are really good in dealing with shipping and trade with foreign countries. Sea captains, sailors of all kinds, also travelers, are often born under this sign.

Such people have a curiously mystical side to their nature as well as the practical. They are often classed as superstitious, the occult in all its forms appealing to them in one way or another. They love to search out or investigate the unknown, the philosophical, or the mysterious. If people born in this sign overcame their sensitiveness and developed their will-power, there is no position in life they could not attain. It is important to remember that there is still the little devil in them, which means that at times they would attain their goals more easily by gently giving in without resistance to the demands of a given social situation, rather than getting their ambitious entangled in something larger and more powerful than they are.

They will lie to save your feelings, or just to stake out a little privacy for themselves. They don't like to be alone too much, just a little, to get the peace back. They can get addicted to booze, pills, or crackerjacks, so they really have to watch it.

Pisces - The Sign of the Dolphin
Your personality is a combination of all the zodiac signs . You may be a musically or artisticly gifted person, and creativeness is inherent in you. You are a great empathiser, always knowing how someone else is feeling. That makes a good councellor and a sensitive lover from you. Occasionally you enjoy solitude and like to get away from everyone and stay alone in order to regain your senses.

Pisces find their most lasting friendships with people born in their own period or between Jane 21 and July 20.

As regards health, people born in this period are mostly inclined to suffer from nerves, insomnia, despondency and poor circulation, anemia. They often have intestinal trouble. They should, if possible, live in bright, sunny, dry climates, and take a great amount of fresh air and exercise. They like extremes. Physical, emotional and mental, and benefit profoundly by experiencing them; but if their extremism goes too far beyond social acceptability, then they should expect to be extremely lonely.

The colors most suitable to such people are all shades of mauve, violet, and purple.

The birth stones for this period are agates, sapphires, amethysts, and emeralds.

Friday, October 09, 2009

Sharing is not necessary be Caring

Sharing problems with other is not something wrong or stupid but once u decide to share your stuff with others, do not expect too much from the person you are sharing it with. I'm sure when you decide to tell your stories, you may already predicted what is the outcome and effects to come later on. We can't confirm that what we said today, right here and now, to the person will be 100% sealed and without any third party getting involve in it. We can't tell how accurate that what we feel and what we share to the person today will express the feed backs you like or agree with.

No matter what you share to others, you need to share it with your own risk. Everything has its risk in it. It just depends whether you wanna take the risk or not. If you think that something is a "super secret" which you feel bad on even mentioning it, why bother to even slip a bit of detail bout it? Seal your lips and keep it to your heart if it really will affect your mood when people knows or giving wrong advice. No point spitting stuff out if you can't accept a single advice. If you insist on telling it, no matter what response or what advice you have back, just accept it or just listen. No point backing fire people when you feel bad bout the advice.

And last but not least, the listener have the right to just only listen. They do not have the responsibility to have any special treatment or caring on you. Knowing is not necessary lending a helping hand. Perhaps only advice. And each person have their own stand, own mentality and own thoughts. You can't expect everyone to give you the advice you like to hear.