On Air

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Birthday 2012

2012 Birthday seems not so bad! Gatherings, lunch, dinners, old friends.... some ups and downs throughout the month, great experiences. Feeling contended on what I have and what I get.

My last wish for my birthday is, may I grew brighter, mentally, steady, think wider and bring joys to people around me. Also wish everyone good health and stay happy together with me :)

This year my wall is flooded with almost 300 wishes! I'm blessed! Thanks everyone, if I've missed out anyone that I did not thank, I'll thank you here from the bottom of my heart!

Last but not least, I wanna thank my mom the most! My birthday is not only my day, but is the day she felt pain on her tummy just to give life to a big piece of rascal, me! Thanks mom! Love you :)